European Journal of Medicine and Veterinary Sciences-Novus (Ejmvs)

ISSN :2784-9724
N.Factor 1.59
Call for Papers Volume 02, Issue 12, December 2022, Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication, included in many leading abstracting and indexing open-access databases.European Journal of Medicine and Veterinary Sciences-NOVUS is welcoming original Research Articles, Book Reviews,Reviewd Articles,Please you can reach us if you have any queries send emai to :

Vol 03, Issue 03, 2022

Paper id: 010000121EJMVS     Open Access
Title: Opportunities and Challenges for Construction Health and Safety Technologies Under COVID-19 Pandemic in Northern Province – A Case Study of the Construction Projects Under Lake Tanganyika Projects
Year: 2022  Full Paper       [Download]         Page: 1-11
Abstract: The paper aims at evaluating the adoption of Health and Safety technologies for construction during the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper identifies and explores three theories in the literature surrounding the topic of evaluation and adoption of construction health and safety for construction during the COVID-19 pandemic which includes; the Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory, the Agency Theory, and the Stakeholder theory. It also outlines and identifies three conceptual frameworks from previous studies that relate to the subject under study. The paper further proposes a conceptual framework aimed at addressing the research problem by depicting and operationalizing the independent, moderating, and dependent variables.
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